Tea Party Newsletter:

In "Tea Times", our tea party newsletter, we share special teatime ideas, tips, recipes, pictures, and FREEBIES with you. Use any of the ideas and recipes as a springboard for your own teatime socials!

We will also pass on any coupons or discounts we come across or are offered to us from our special sources.

Get this Free eBook when you join our eZine!

Tea  Party Ideas ebook


Four Seasons of Tea Parties has creative ideas, themes, menus, recipies, invitations, games and crafts to host your own teatime - one for each season of the year!



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We promise to use it only to send you the "TEATIMES'.
What we will NEVER do is ask you to pay for our eZine, or pass your email address on to anyone else.

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Newsletter Archives

Movie T. Party

Candle Party Baby Shower - Garden Party

Mothers Day Teatime

Valentine T For Two

Snow Teatime


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FREE eBook

"4 Seasons of
Tea Parties

when you sign up for our newsletter!