Help for Hosting a Tea Party

When hosting a tea party, you need to know….

…that to make your teatime a success, it doesn't have to be perfect, to feel perfect. With
a little inspiration from the tea party ideas on this site, you can easily put together
a special occasion that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.

When planning an afternoon teatime, decide on your food and what supplies you need. Having a checklist will keep you on track.

Parties can be planned for any number; from a few to a few hundred. They can be formal or informal; extravagant or simple. With the flexibility of teatime, you can have it at any time. Morning or evening teatime can be a fun change from the traditional afternoon teatime and sometimes more suitable for certain events.

So, when hosting a tea, relax and simply follow the guide below.

5 Easy Steps to Hosting a Tea Party
--by the Tea Party Bee.tea party bee

Don't bee stressed -
take any sting out of hosting by following these steps....

  1. Decide on the occasion and/or theme.
  2. Make your guest list and send out your invitations.
  3. Plan the menu and choose your recipes.
  4. Decide where you will be having the social and gather or purchase all the supplies you will need.
  5. If you are planning on games or crafts, have all the supplies ready and easily accessible.
Afternoon Tea Party

Make sure everything is ready before the day of the teatime. Food that you want to be fresh can be prepared the morning of or even the day before, covered and refrigerated if necessary.

The day of the affair, you should not have much to do except set the table, arrange the food and have the kettle ready.

An afternoon teatime is meant to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience, so good planning leads to a happy hostess / host. Don't forget, the more parties you give, the easier it will get.
Have Fun!

You don't need a reason to have a party but here are suggestions on our page:
teatime party occasions to get you humming along.



Related Pages:
Teatime Etiquette
Party Themes



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