Clotted Cream

Clotted cream, Devonshire and whipped are used interchangeably when referring to cream for your tea scones...

Clotted Cream

Also called Devonshire Cream since it is made in Devonshire, England, this comes from high-fat breed cows and made by heating it to a high temperature and then skimming to separate. Then it is cooled slowly. The end result is so thick and heavy, it can stand on it's own.

The real thing is not readily available outside the U.K. It can be found at online stores, specialty stores, and tea / coffee shops.

Though not quite as superior in taste, a rich, unsweetened whipped cream is an acceptable substitute for topping your scones and other tea party sweets.



If you want to try your hand at homemade, click on the
following link.

ClottedCream Recipe

How to make whipped cream



Tea Party Recipes


Top of Clotted Cream page

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