The benefits of white tea are widely discussed and most experts agree that while all tea is very beneficial to your health, white and green go the extra mile towards giving your health a boost. Listed below are some potential benefits that are the results of scientific studies.
he potential benefits of white tea are:Immune System
Some of white leaves health benefits are high anti-viral, and anti-bacterial qualities. The biggest benefits are probably its high amount of catechins - about three times as many antioxidant polyphenols as black tisanes, protecting your body from free radicals and building up the immune system.
Many studies suggest that both white and green leaves have high amounts of the antioxidant EGCG that helps to protect against cancer - including prostate, lung and breast cancer.
In the fight against LDL (bad cholesterol), which blocks your arteries,
catechins antioxidants have been found to reduce LDL, as well as raise the HDL (good cholesterol).
Lower Blood Pressure, Stress
Studies state that white leaves may promote healthy blood vessels and the fight against stroke by thinning the blood.
* Here, at the Tea Party Circle, we stress the need to take a break from the
hustle of a stressful life, by partaking in a tea ritual - in the company of friends
or by yourself.
Heart Health
Since white decotion helps lower cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and reduces stress, then this is all beneficial to a healthy heart and helps keep a heart attack at bay.
Arthritis, Osteoporosis
In preliminary studies benefits of white tea resulted in a noticeable effect on producing greater bone density.
Weight Loss
Since white infusions contains catechin polyphenols, which raise the rate at which calories are burned, drinking a few cups a day speeds up the fat oxidation by raising metabolic rates.
Mental Health
Also found are dopamine, which helps important functions in the brain, including cognition, motor activity, mood, attention, learning, sleep and motivation - great benefits!
Teeth and Skin
An additional benefit - it helps to kill the bacteria, which causes plaque, tooth decay, and bad breath. White leaves also help promote healthy skin by scooping up free radicals that have been brought on by sun damage, stress and poor eating habits.
While there will always be ongoing studies concerning the benefits of tea, the definite answer is that drinking a white infusion is beneficial to a healthier and happier life. So drink up and remember that just like your intake of a variety of foods is good, a variety of black, green and white brews will be the most rewarding, with perhaps a bit more emphasis on green and white leaves.
Shunning soda and coffee in favor of tea is a step towards a healthier you. Try drinking three cups a day and taking time to relax while preparing your teatime and see if you don't feel better both physically and mentally!
Here's to your health!
Top of Benefits of White Tea page
Disclaimer: Content on this site is for information only and is not
intended for treatments, preventatives, or substitution of professional
medical advice.
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