Discovering Tea Types
There are four main tea types and from these result in a very large selection of teas to choose from.
Personal taste is what determines tea preference among individuals.
Those who like a mild, light tea that is low in caffeine, will prefer white tea.
Those who like an aromatic, herbal-like flavor will veer towards green tea from China and Japan.
And then there is black tea for those who prefer stronger tea but might be surprised to find the differences between whole leaf tea verses the broken leaf teas and dust grades.
Oolong tea is a cross between black and green tea resulting in a smooth blend and flavor.
" Drinking a daily cup of tea will surely starve the apothecary. "
~Chinese Proverb
Tea Types that are grown for commercial use among tea distributors are produced in Assam, India; Cameroon, Africa and China which has the widest range of teas in the world.
These nations are known for the quality of their teas, as well as the quantity of tea produced.
To get the best tea experience, be sure to do many tea tastings with samples from different regions and grades.
Also, keep in mind that loose leaf tea has the fullest flavor and is best for sampling teas.
Explore and enjoy!
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